Our 2023 Ladies Conference was focused on Romans 11:36 as we learned how we can live from Him, through Him, and to Him. Find resources & videos below from this conference.

Main Sessions

Jen Myers - From Him
Vickie Schell - Through Him
Rebecca Hargraves - To Him

Breakout Sessions

Amanda Barton

Living for Christ in a Post Christian Culture
As the culture moves away from Christian values, the temptation to stray from Biblical truth and chase worldly treasure increases. Discover what God's Word teaches about how to stand firm in the faith, what God's will is for your life and how to make decisions based on Scriptural wisdom. This is not just a checklist of methods and practices to follow; we will do a deep dive into what our specific purpose on earth is and more importantly, what motivates us to live joyfully in that purpose.

Christi Woodcock

Abide in God
Abiding in Jesus~ what does that look like today? Our lives are so very busy. Distractions come at us from every direction. We struggle to make time for prayer and Bible Study; Every day we battle a lack of contentment, depression and anxiety over unmet expectations, judging and comparing ourselves to others...exhausting! All the while Jesus calls to come unto Him and rest, (Mathew 1l:28-29) to abide in Him, because we can do nothing without Him (John 15: 5)

Tammy Guthrie & Sally Cherney

Finishing the Race Before You
Our bodies and minds may slow down a bit as we age, but our zeal for seeking, displaying, and advancing the Kingdom should not - it should intensify with age not fizzle out. What if our work-for-hire years were just preparation for the most important and fruitful years of our lives? Join us as we dive into what the Bible says about aging and explore the vast opportunities to serve and minister in the body of Christ. 

Tracy Borst & Jessie Besser

Being Steadfast
Do you feel like you falter in your walk with Christ as you go about your day? Does the busyness of your children, your work, your husband and even your service cause you to stumble? In our study of what it means to be steadfast we will explore Gods promises and loving kindness and how that applies to our daily pursuit of Christ

Save the Dates:

April 26th & 27th, 2024

Be sure to mark your calendars and make plans to join us for our 2024 Ladies Conference here at Southside.

Our focus will be on 2 Corinthians 10:3-5:
Identifying strongholds and learning to use our divinely appointed weapons to do real battle in our minds.