growth groups

Join a Growth Group.

Growth Groups are casual gatherings of small groups meeting in homes for prayer, fellowship, and Bible discussion. They are led by church leaders and consist of  8-20 people. They meet every other week on scheduled evenings and provide a means by which people can gather, interact, and enjoy spending time with other families from Southside Church.

The Bares

Brian & Krissie Bare meet with their group every Monday at 7pm in Clayton (near downtown Clayton)

The Beams

Craig & Rhonda Beam meet with their group every 1st & 3rd Saturday in Clayton, NC (Near 40/42)

The Cherneys

Jim & Sally Cherney meet with their group every other Thursday evening in Willow Springs, NC.

The Clarkes

Carolyn & John Clarke meet with their group on the first and third Thursdays at their home in Clayton, NC.

The Clousers

Tom & Fran Clouser meet with their group every 2nd & 4th Saturday  in Garner, NC (Near Timber/50).

The Gils

Rodrigo & Ally Gil meet with their group every 1st & 3rd Friday in Smithfield, NC

The Griffiths

Caleb & Jessica Griffith meet with their group every 1st & 3rd Friday in Clayton, NC (Near 40/42).

The Guthries

Matt & Tammy Guthrie meet with their group every 2nd & 4th Saturday  in Garner, NC (Near 42/50).

The McChargues

Rich & Alicia McChargue meet with their group  every 1st and 3rd Thursday in Clayton, NC (Near Guy Rd/Amelia Church Road).

The Fatherees

David & Rachel Fatheree meet with their group every 1st & 3rd Friday in Willow Springs.

The Nicolayevs

The Nicolayevs  meet with their group every Tuesday in Wendell, NC.

Ready to join a Growth Group?

We'd love to hear what groups you're interested in joining. Fill out the form below to get started.